Thursday, December 6, 2007

Zimmerman Notes

I'm off to class, but I've heard some rumblings about the Boone/Whitney/Zimmerman question at 3B, whether Zimmerman is hurt worse than anyone's letting on, and why Boone and Whitney were both signed today. I'll let Barry Svrluga do the talking on this one, since he can do things like pick up the phone and talk to Jim Bowden. Said Bowden:

"Zimmerman is our third baseman until my kids graduate college, including my two twins [9 years old]. Let's not misunderstand what that is all about. Certainly Whitney gives us some protection if Nick's not ready. Certainly he gives us some protection if there's a trade at some point. It's protection."

1 comment:

Will Norton Jr. said...

This has nothing to do with Zimmerman, but give your thoughts on the Nationals' potential starting rotation. I see youth, I see talent, but I'm not sure the end result will be much better then last season.