Thursday, December 13, 2007

Okay, I'll Stop Picking on Lo Duca

ESPN's reporter at the Mitchell Report meeting just mentioned Paul Lo Duca, your new Nationals Starting Catcher, as one of the names in the report, from a photocopied check in one of the appendices. More to come as the details become available.

Update, 2:23 PM - Nook Logan, Jose Guillen, Mike Stanton, and Gary Bennett were also named.

Nook Logan? Really? Wow, HGH totally works. Ye Gods, imagine him if he hadn't been juicing.


Cliff Lungaretti said...


Will Norton Jr. said...

Studies have shown HGH is great at increasing muscle mass, but not real good at actually increasing strength or power. The only thing there's some evidence it is effective at is speeding recovery from injuries.

Nook shoulda stuck with good ol' fashioned 'roids.

Rob said...

Nook shoulda stuck with football.