Paul Lo Duca had knee surgery. He hurt his knee while working out last week, and is supposed to be out only four to six weeks which won't take him out of the regular seasons, but...
Johnny Estrada will sign with the Nats for 1yr/$1.5m. Sources close to the Nats are saying that this is in no way a reaction to Lo Duca's injury, well, we'll see. Lo Duca's current injury, while it's only supposed to keep him out four to six weeks, could, and I'm just spitballing here, be symptomatic of what happens when you're not on steroids. If Paulie Dukes all of a sudden appears somewhat injury prone, well, I won't exactly be standing by with a look of shock on my face.

The real reason for the Estrada signing is obviously that with Robert Fick gone, we need someone to keep wearing the real stirrups. No team is complete without them.
Tim Redding loves reading. Stories like this are why I haven't been posting. This is a nice thing, but if it's all the official site can muster up, well, I think the evidence speaks for itself. Literacy is not a #1 priority of this particular blog.
More to come, whenever there is more to write about.